Logo de la Commission communautaire commune de Bruxelles-Capitale

Perinatal health indicators


The main source of data are the Statistical Certificates of Births and Deaths of children aged under one year or still births.
The Office de la Naissance et de l'enfance (ONE) and Kind & Gezin also hold data on the perinatal period



The reader will find a detailed description and in-depth analyses (cross-referenced with various indicators) with commentaries for perinatal health indicators in the following documents:

  • 2008 summary report - perinatal health indicators in the Brussels-Capital Region 1998-2004: analysis of data from Statistical Certificates of births and under one year deaths for 1998 to 2002:  description of indicators and their evolution over time, international comparisons, causes of foetal and infant death, link between socio-demographic characteristics of mothers and perinatal health.
    Publication available in French and Dutch, Summary available in English
  • 2004 Health profile in Brussels Region: analysis of data from Statistical Certificates of Births and under one year Deaths for 1998 to 2002: description of indicators and their evolution over time, international comparisons, causes of foetal and infant death, link between socio-demographic characteristics of mothers and perinatal health; data on tobacco consumption during pregnancy (ONE) and maternal breastfeeding (ONE and K&G)
    Publication available in French and Dutch, press release available in English
  • 2001 Health profile in Brussels Region: analysis of data from Statistical Certificates of Births and under one year Deaths for 1998, voluntary interruptions of pregnancy for 1998 and 1999, monitoring pregnancy for the period 1997-1999 (HIS, ONE and K&G), tobacco consumption during pregnancy and maternal breastfeeding 1999 (ONE and K&G).
    Publication available in French and Dutch

Several perinatal health indicators by municipality are available in the following documents:

Health and social files in the Brussels-Capital Region 2010: files by municipality with several perinatal health indicators by the mother's municipality of residence (foetal and infant mortality, prematurity and underweight births, multiple pregnancies, obstetrical interventions, socio-economic profile) and comparison with regional data for the years 2003-2007.
Publication available in French and Dutch

Indicators for social inequalities linked to perinatal health also appear in the following documents:

2012 Social Barometer (p.55): percentage of children born to households with no earned income, social inequalities linked to foetal and infant mortality
Publication available in French and Dutch